A Review that features in an anime or manga
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | Int! | The id of the review | |
userId | Int! | The id of the review's creator | |
mediaId | Int! | The id of the review's media | |
mediaType | MediaType | For which type of media the review is for | |
summary | String | A short summary of the review | |
body | String | The main review body text | |
asHtml | Boolean | Return the string in pre-parsed html instead of markdown | |
rating | Int | The total user rating of the review | |
ratingAmount | Int | The amount of user ratings of the review | |
userRating | ReviewRating | The rating of the review by currently authenticated user | |
score | Int | The review score of the media | |
private | Boolean | If the review is not yet publicly published and is only viewable by creator | |
siteUrl | String | The url for the review page on the AniList website | |
createdAt | Int! | The time of the thread creation | |
updatedAt | Int! | The time of the thread last update | |
user | User | The creator of the review | |
media | Media | The media the review is of |