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Page of data

pageInfoPageInfo The pagination information
idInt Filter by the user id
nameString Filter by the name of the user
isModeratorBoolean Filter to moderators only if true
searchString Filter by search query
sort[UserSort] The order the results will be returned in
idInt Filter by the media id
idMalInt Filter by the media's MyAnimeList id
startDateFuzzyDateInt Filter by the start date of the media
endDateFuzzyDateInt Filter by the end date of the media
seasonMediaSeason Filter by the season the media was released in
seasonYearInt The year of the season (Winter 2017 would also include December 2016 releases). Requires season argument
typeMediaType Filter by the media's type
formatMediaFormat Filter by the media's format
statusMediaStatus Filter by the media's current release status
episodesInt Filter by amount of episodes the media has
durationInt Filter by the media's episode length
chaptersInt Filter by the media's chapter count
volumesInt Filter by the media's volume count
isAdultBoolean Filter by if the media's intended for 18+ adult audiences
genreString Filter by the media's genres
tagString Filter by the media's tags
minimumTagRankInt Only apply the tags filter argument to tags above this rank. Default: 18
tagCategoryString Filter by the media's tags with in a tag category
onListBoolean Filter by the media on the authenticated user's lists
licensedByString Filter media by sites name with a online streaming or reading license
licensedByIdInt Filter media by sites id with a online streaming or reading license
averageScoreInt Filter by the media's average score
popularityInt Filter by the number of users with this media on their list
sourceMediaSource Filter by the source type of the media
countryOfOriginCountryCode Filter by the media's country of origin
isLicensedBoolean If the media is officially licensed or a self-published doujin release
searchString Filter by search query
id_notInt Filter by the media id
id_in[Int] Filter by the media id
id_not_in[Int] Filter by the media id
idMal_notInt Filter by the media's MyAnimeList id
idMal_in[Int] Filter by the media's MyAnimeList id
idMal_not_in[Int] Filter by the media's MyAnimeList id
startDate_greaterFuzzyDateInt Filter by the start date of the media
startDate_lesserFuzzyDateInt Filter by the start date of the media
startDate_likeString Filter by the start date of the media
endDate_greaterFuzzyDateInt Filter by the end date of the media
endDate_lesserFuzzyDateInt Filter by the end date of the media
endDate_likeString Filter by the end date of the media
format_in[MediaFormat] Filter by the media's format
format_notMediaFormat Filter by the media's format
format_not_in[MediaFormat] Filter by the media's format
status_in[MediaStatus] Filter by the media's current release status
status_notMediaStatus Filter by the media's current release status
status_not_in[MediaStatus] Filter by the media's current release status
episodes_greaterInt Filter by amount of episodes the media has
episodes_lesserInt Filter by amount of episodes the media has
duration_greaterInt Filter by the media's episode length
duration_lesserInt Filter by the media's episode length
chapters_greaterInt Filter by the media's chapter count
chapters_lesserInt Filter by the media's chapter count
volumes_greaterInt Filter by the media's volume count
volumes_lesserInt Filter by the media's volume count
genre_in[String] Filter by the media's genres
genre_not_in[String] Filter by the media's genres
tag_in[String] Filter by the media's tags
tag_not_in[String] Filter by the media's tags
tagCategory_in[String] Filter by the media's tags with in a tag category
tagCategory_not_in[String] Filter by the media's tags with in a tag category
licensedBy_in[String] Filter media by sites name with a online streaming or reading license
licensedById_in[Int] Filter media by sites id with a online streaming or reading license
averageScore_notInt Filter by the media's average score
averageScore_greaterInt Filter by the media's average score
averageScore_lesserInt Filter by the media's average score
popularity_notInt Filter by the number of users with this media on their list
popularity_greaterInt Filter by the number of users with this media on their list
popularity_lesserInt Filter by the number of users with this media on their list
source_in[MediaSource] Filter by the source type of the media
sort[MediaSort] The order the results will be returned in
idInt Filter by character id
isBirthdayBoolean Filter by character by if its their birthday today
searchString Filter by search query
id_notInt Filter by character id
id_in[Int] Filter by character id
id_not_in[Int] Filter by character id
sort[CharacterSort] The order the results will be returned in
idInt Filter by the staff id
isBirthdayBoolean Filter by staff by if its their birthday today
searchString Filter by search query
id_notInt Filter by the staff id
id_in[Int] Filter by the staff id
id_not_in[Int] Filter by the staff id
sort[StaffSort] The order the results will be returned in
idInt Filter by the studio id
searchString Filter by search query
id_notInt Filter by the studio id
id_in[Int] Filter by the studio id
id_not_in[Int] Filter by the studio id
sort[StudioSort] The order the results will be returned in
idInt Filter by a list entry's id
userIdInt Filter by a user's id
userNameString Filter by a user's name
typeMediaType Filter by the list entries media type
statusMediaListStatus Filter by the watching/reading status
mediaIdInt Filter by the media id of the list entry
isFollowingBoolean Filter list entries to users who are being followed by the authenticated user
notesString Filter by note words and #tags
startedAtFuzzyDateInt Filter by the date the user started the media
completedAtFuzzyDateInt Filter by the date the user completed the media
compareWithAuthListBoolean Limit to only entries also on the auth user's list. Requires user id or name arguments.
userId_in[Int] Filter by a user's id
status_in[MediaListStatus] Filter by the watching/reading status
status_not_in[MediaListStatus] Filter by the watching/reading status
status_notMediaListStatus Filter by the watching/reading status
mediaId_in[Int] Filter by the media id of the list entry
mediaId_not_in[Int] Filter by the media id of the list entry
notes_likeString Filter by note words and #tags
startedAt_greaterFuzzyDateInt Filter by the date the user started the media
startedAt_lesserFuzzyDateInt Filter by the date the user started the media
startedAt_likeString Filter by the date the user started the media
completedAt_greaterFuzzyDateInt Filter by the date the user completed the media
completedAt_lesserFuzzyDateInt Filter by the date the user completed the media
completedAt_likeString Filter by the date the user completed the media
sort[MediaListSort] The order the results will be returned in
idInt Filter by the id of the airing schedule item
mediaIdInt Filter by the id of associated media
episodeInt Filter by the airing episode number
airingAtInt Filter by the time of airing
notYetAiredBoolean Filter to episodes that haven't yet aired
id_notInt Filter by the id of the airing schedule item
id_in[Int] Filter by the id of the airing schedule item
id_not_in[Int] Filter by the id of the airing schedule item
mediaId_notInt Filter by the id of associated media
mediaId_in[Int] Filter by the id of associated media
mediaId_not_in[Int] Filter by the id of associated media
episode_notInt Filter by the airing episode number
episode_in[Int] Filter by the airing episode number
episode_not_in[Int] Filter by the airing episode number
episode_greaterInt Filter by the airing episode number
episode_lesserInt Filter by the airing episode number
airingAt_greaterInt Filter by the time of airing
airingAt_lesserInt Filter by the time of airing
sort[AiringSort] The order the results will be returned in
mediaIdInt Filter by the media id
dateInt Filter by date
trendingInt Filter by trending amount
averageScoreInt Filter by score
popularityInt Filter by popularity
episodeInt Filter by episode number
releasingBoolean Filter to stats recorded while the media was releasing
mediaId_notInt Filter by the media id
mediaId_in[Int] Filter by the media id
mediaId_not_in[Int] Filter by the media id
date_greaterInt Filter by date
date_lesserInt Filter by date
trending_greaterInt Filter by trending amount
trending_lesserInt Filter by trending amount
trending_notInt Filter by trending amount
averageScore_greaterInt Filter by score
averageScore_lesserInt Filter by score
averageScore_notInt Filter by score
popularity_greaterInt Filter by popularity
popularity_lesserInt Filter by popularity
popularity_notInt Filter by popularity
episode_greaterInt Filter by episode number
episode_lesserInt Filter by episode number
episode_notInt Filter by episode number
sort[MediaTrendSort] The order the results will be returned in
typeNotificationType Filter by the type of notifications
resetNotificationCountBoolean Reset the unread notification count to 0 on load
type_in[NotificationType] Filter by the type of notifications
userIdInt! User id of the follower/followed
sort[UserSort] The order the results will be returned in
userIdInt! User id of the follower/followed
sort[UserSort] The order the results will be returned in
idInt Filter by the activity id
userIdInt Filter by the owner user id
messengerIdInt Filter by the id of the user who sent a message
mediaIdInt Filter by the associated media id of the activity
typeActivityType Filter by the type of activity
isFollowingBoolean Filter activity to users who are being followed by the authenticated user
hasRepliesBoolean Filter activity to only activity with replies
hasRepliesOrTypeTextBoolean Filter activity to only activity with replies or is of type text
createdAtInt Filter by the time the activity was created
id_notInt Filter by the activity id
id_in[Int] Filter by the activity id
id_not_in[Int] Filter by the activity id
userId_notInt Filter by the owner user id
userId_in[Int] Filter by the owner user id
userId_not_in[Int] Filter by the owner user id
messengerId_notInt Filter by the id of the user who sent a message
messengerId_in[Int] Filter by the id of the user who sent a message
messengerId_not_in[Int] Filter by the id of the user who sent a message
mediaId_notInt Filter by the associated media id of the activity
mediaId_in[Int] Filter by the associated media id of the activity
mediaId_not_in[Int] Filter by the associated media id of the activity
type_notActivityType Filter by the type of activity
type_in[ActivityType] Filter by the type of activity
type_not_in[ActivityType] Filter by the type of activity
createdAt_greaterInt Filter by the time the activity was created
createdAt_lesserInt Filter by the time the activity was created
sort[ActivitySort] The order the results will be returned in
idInt Filter by the reply id
activityIdInt Filter by the parent id
idInt Filter by the thread id
userIdInt Filter by the user id of the thread's creator
replyUserIdInt Filter by the user id of the last user to comment on the thread
subscribedBoolean Filter by if the currently authenticated user's subscribed threads
categoryIdInt Filter by thread category id
mediaCategoryIdInt Filter by thread media id category
searchString Filter by search query
id_in[Int] Filter by the thread id
sort[ThreadSort] The order the results will be returned in
idInt Filter by the comment id
threadIdInt Filter by the thread id
userIdInt Filter by the user id of the comment's creator
sort[ThreadCommentSort] The order the results will be returned in
idInt Filter by Review id
mediaIdInt Filter by media id
userIdInt Filter by user id
mediaTypeMediaType Filter by media type
sort[ReviewSort] The order the results will be returned in
idInt Filter by recommendation id
mediaIdInt Filter by media id
mediaRecommendationIdInt Filter by media recommendation id
userIdInt Filter by user who created the recommendation
ratingInt Filter by total rating of the recommendation
onListBoolean Filter by the media on the authenticated user's lists
rating_greaterInt Filter by total rating of the recommendation
rating_lesserInt Filter by total rating of the recommendation
sort[RecommendationSort] The order the results will be returned in
likeableIdInt The id of the likeable type
typeLikeableType The type of model the id applies to