InternalPage ​
Page of data (Used for internal use only)
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
mediaSubmissions | [MediaSubmission] | ||
mediaId | Int | ||
submissionId | Int | ||
userId | Int | ||
assigneeId | Int | ||
status | SubmissionStatus | ||
type | MediaType | Filter by the media's type | |
sort | [SubmissionSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
characterSubmissions | [CharacterSubmission] | ||
characterId | Int | ||
userId | Int | Filter by the submitter of the submission | |
assigneeId | Int | ||
status | SubmissionStatus | Filter by the status of the submission | |
sort | [SubmissionSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
staffSubmissions | [StaffSubmission] | ||
staffId | Int | ||
userId | Int | Filter by the submitter of the submission | |
assigneeId | Int | ||
status | SubmissionStatus | Filter by the status of the submission | |
sort | [SubmissionSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
revisionHistory | [RevisionHistory] | ||
userId | Int | Filter by the user id | |
mediaId | Int | Filter by the media id | |
characterId | Int | Filter by the character id | |
staffId | Int | Filter by the staff id | |
studioId | Int | Filter by the studio id | |
reports | [Report] | ||
reporterId | Int | ||
reportedId | Int | ||
modActions | [ModAction] | ||
userId | Int | ||
modId | Int | ||
userBlockSearch | [User] | ||
search | String | Filter by search query | |
pageInfo | PageInfo | The pagination information | |
users | [User] | ||
id | Int | Filter by the user id | |
name | String | Filter by the name of the user | |
isModerator | Boolean | Filter to moderators only if true | |
search | String | Filter by search query | |
sort | [UserSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
media | [Media] | ||
id | Int | Filter by the media id | |
idMal | Int | Filter by the media's MyAnimeList id | |
startDate | FuzzyDateInt | Filter by the start date of the media | |
endDate | FuzzyDateInt | Filter by the end date of the media | |
season | MediaSeason | Filter by the season the media was released in | |
seasonYear | Int | The year of the season (Winter 2017 would also include December 2016 releases). Requires season argument | |
type | MediaType | Filter by the media's type | |
format | MediaFormat | Filter by the media's format | |
status | MediaStatus | Filter by the media's current release status | |
episodes | Int | Filter by amount of episodes the media has | |
duration | Int | Filter by the media's episode length | |
chapters | Int | Filter by the media's chapter count | |
volumes | Int | Filter by the media's volume count | |
isAdult | Boolean | Filter by if the media's intended for 18+ adult audiences | |
genre | String | Filter by the media's genres | |
tag | String | Filter by the media's tags | |
minimumTagRank | Int | Only apply the tags filter argument to tags above this rank. Default: 18 | |
tagCategory | String | Filter by the media's tags with in a tag category | |
onList | Boolean | Filter by the media on the authenticated user's lists | |
licensedBy | String | Filter media by sites name with a online streaming or reading license | |
licensedById | Int | Filter media by sites id with a online streaming or reading license | |
averageScore | Int | Filter by the media's average score | |
popularity | Int | Filter by the number of users with this media on their list | |
source | MediaSource | Filter by the source type of the media | |
countryOfOrigin | CountryCode | Filter by the media's country of origin | |
isLicensed | Boolean | If the media is officially licensed or a self-published doujin release | |
search | String | Filter by search query | |
id_not | Int | Filter by the media id | |
id_in | [Int] | Filter by the media id | |
id_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the media id | |
idMal_not | Int | Filter by the media's MyAnimeList id | |
idMal_in | [Int] | Filter by the media's MyAnimeList id | |
idMal_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the media's MyAnimeList id | |
startDate_greater | FuzzyDateInt | Filter by the start date of the media | |
startDate_lesser | FuzzyDateInt | Filter by the start date of the media | |
startDate_like | String | Filter by the start date of the media | |
endDate_greater | FuzzyDateInt | Filter by the end date of the media | |
endDate_lesser | FuzzyDateInt | Filter by the end date of the media | |
endDate_like | String | Filter by the end date of the media | |
format_in | [MediaFormat] | Filter by the media's format | |
format_not | MediaFormat | Filter by the media's format | |
format_not_in | [MediaFormat] | Filter by the media's format | |
status_in | [MediaStatus] | Filter by the media's current release status | |
status_not | MediaStatus | Filter by the media's current release status | |
status_not_in | [MediaStatus] | Filter by the media's current release status | |
episodes_greater | Int | Filter by amount of episodes the media has | |
episodes_lesser | Int | Filter by amount of episodes the media has | |
duration_greater | Int | Filter by the media's episode length | |
duration_lesser | Int | Filter by the media's episode length | |
chapters_greater | Int | Filter by the media's chapter count | |
chapters_lesser | Int | Filter by the media's chapter count | |
volumes_greater | Int | Filter by the media's volume count | |
volumes_lesser | Int | Filter by the media's volume count | |
genre_in | [String] | Filter by the media's genres | |
genre_not_in | [String] | Filter by the media's genres | |
tag_in | [String] | Filter by the media's tags | |
tag_not_in | [String] | Filter by the media's tags | |
tagCategory_in | [String] | Filter by the media's tags with in a tag category | |
tagCategory_not_in | [String] | Filter by the media's tags with in a tag category | |
licensedBy_in | [String] | Filter media by sites name with a online streaming or reading license | |
licensedById_in | [Int] | Filter media by sites id with a online streaming or reading license | |
averageScore_not | Int | Filter by the media's average score | |
averageScore_greater | Int | Filter by the media's average score | |
averageScore_lesser | Int | Filter by the media's average score | |
popularity_not | Int | Filter by the number of users with this media on their list | |
popularity_greater | Int | Filter by the number of users with this media on their list | |
popularity_lesser | Int | Filter by the number of users with this media on their list | |
source_in | [MediaSource] | Filter by the source type of the media | |
sort | [MediaSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
characters | [Character] | ||
id | Int | Filter by character id | |
isBirthday | Boolean | Filter by character by if its their birthday today | |
search | String | Filter by search query | |
id_not | Int | Filter by character id | |
id_in | [Int] | Filter by character id | |
id_not_in | [Int] | Filter by character id | |
sort | [CharacterSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
staff | [Staff] | ||
id | Int | Filter by the staff id | |
isBirthday | Boolean | Filter by staff by if its their birthday today | |
search | String | Filter by search query | |
id_not | Int | Filter by the staff id | |
id_in | [Int] | Filter by the staff id | |
id_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the staff id | |
sort | [StaffSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
studios | [Studio] | ||
id | Int | Filter by the studio id | |
search | String | Filter by search query | |
id_not | Int | Filter by the studio id | |
id_in | [Int] | Filter by the studio id | |
id_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the studio id | |
sort | [StudioSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
mediaList | [MediaList] | ||
id | Int | Filter by a list entry's id | |
userId | Int | Filter by a user's id | |
userName | String | Filter by a user's name | |
type | MediaType | Filter by the list entries media type | |
status | MediaListStatus | Filter by the watching/reading status | |
mediaId | Int | Filter by the media id of the list entry | |
isFollowing | Boolean | Filter list entries to users who are being followed by the authenticated user | |
notes | String | Filter by note words and #tags | |
startedAt | FuzzyDateInt | Filter by the date the user started the media | |
completedAt | FuzzyDateInt | Filter by the date the user completed the media | |
compareWithAuthList | Boolean | Limit to only entries also on the auth user's list. Requires user id or name arguments. | |
userId_in | [Int] | Filter by a user's id | |
status_in | [MediaListStatus] | Filter by the watching/reading status | |
status_not_in | [MediaListStatus] | Filter by the watching/reading status | |
status_not | MediaListStatus | Filter by the watching/reading status | |
mediaId_in | [Int] | Filter by the media id of the list entry | |
mediaId_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the media id of the list entry | |
notes_like | String | Filter by note words and #tags | |
startedAt_greater | FuzzyDateInt | Filter by the date the user started the media | |
startedAt_lesser | FuzzyDateInt | Filter by the date the user started the media | |
startedAt_like | String | Filter by the date the user started the media | |
completedAt_greater | FuzzyDateInt | Filter by the date the user completed the media | |
completedAt_lesser | FuzzyDateInt | Filter by the date the user completed the media | |
completedAt_like | String | Filter by the date the user completed the media | |
sort | [MediaListSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
airingSchedules | [AiringSchedule] | ||
id | Int | Filter by the id of the airing schedule item | |
mediaId | Int | Filter by the id of associated media | |
episode | Int | Filter by the airing episode number | |
airingAt | Int | Filter by the time of airing | |
notYetAired | Boolean | Filter to episodes that haven't yet aired | |
id_not | Int | Filter by the id of the airing schedule item | |
id_in | [Int] | Filter by the id of the airing schedule item | |
id_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the id of the airing schedule item | |
mediaId_not | Int | Filter by the id of associated media | |
mediaId_in | [Int] | Filter by the id of associated media | |
mediaId_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the id of associated media | |
episode_not | Int | Filter by the airing episode number | |
episode_in | [Int] | Filter by the airing episode number | |
episode_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the airing episode number | |
episode_greater | Int | Filter by the airing episode number | |
episode_lesser | Int | Filter by the airing episode number | |
airingAt_greater | Int | Filter by the time of airing | |
airingAt_lesser | Int | Filter by the time of airing | |
sort | [AiringSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
mediaTrends | [MediaTrend] | ||
mediaId | Int | Filter by the media id | |
date | Int | Filter by date | |
trending | Int | Filter by trending amount | |
averageScore | Int | Filter by score | |
popularity | Int | Filter by popularity | |
episode | Int | Filter by episode number | |
releasing | Boolean | Filter to stats recorded while the media was releasing | |
mediaId_not | Int | Filter by the media id | |
mediaId_in | [Int] | Filter by the media id | |
mediaId_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the media id | |
date_greater | Int | Filter by date | |
date_lesser | Int | Filter by date | |
trending_greater | Int | Filter by trending amount | |
trending_lesser | Int | Filter by trending amount | |
trending_not | Int | Filter by trending amount | |
averageScore_greater | Int | Filter by score | |
averageScore_lesser | Int | Filter by score | |
averageScore_not | Int | Filter by score | |
popularity_greater | Int | Filter by popularity | |
popularity_lesser | Int | Filter by popularity | |
popularity_not | Int | Filter by popularity | |
episode_greater | Int | Filter by episode number | |
episode_lesser | Int | Filter by episode number | |
episode_not | Int | Filter by episode number | |
sort | [MediaTrendSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
notifications | [NotificationUnion] | ||
type | NotificationType | Filter by the type of notifications | |
resetNotificationCount | Boolean | Reset the unread notification count to 0 on load | |
type_in | [NotificationType] | Filter by the type of notifications | |
followers | [User] | ||
userId | Int! | User id of the follower/followed | |
sort | [UserSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
following | [User] | ||
userId | Int! | User id of the follower/followed | |
sort | [UserSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
activities | [ActivityUnion] | ||
id | Int | Filter by the activity id | |
userId | Int | Filter by the owner user id | |
messengerId | Int | Filter by the id of the user who sent a message | |
mediaId | Int | Filter by the associated media id of the activity | |
type | ActivityType | Filter by the type of activity | |
isFollowing | Boolean | Filter activity to users who are being followed by the authenticated user | |
hasReplies | Boolean | Filter activity to only activity with replies | |
hasRepliesOrTypeText | Boolean | Filter activity to only activity with replies or is of type text | |
createdAt | Int | Filter by the time the activity was created | |
id_not | Int | Filter by the activity id | |
id_in | [Int] | Filter by the activity id | |
id_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the activity id | |
userId_not | Int | Filter by the owner user id | |
userId_in | [Int] | Filter by the owner user id | |
userId_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the owner user id | |
messengerId_not | Int | Filter by the id of the user who sent a message | |
messengerId_in | [Int] | Filter by the id of the user who sent a message | |
messengerId_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the id of the user who sent a message | |
mediaId_not | Int | Filter by the associated media id of the activity | |
mediaId_in | [Int] | Filter by the associated media id of the activity | |
mediaId_not_in | [Int] | Filter by the associated media id of the activity | |
type_not | ActivityType | Filter by the type of activity | |
type_in | [ActivityType] | Filter by the type of activity | |
type_not_in | [ActivityType] | Filter by the type of activity | |
createdAt_greater | Int | Filter by the time the activity was created | |
createdAt_lesser | Int | Filter by the time the activity was created | |
sort | [ActivitySort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
activityReplies | [ActivityReply] | ||
id | Int | Filter by the reply id | |
activityId | Int | Filter by the parent id | |
threads | [Thread] | ||
id | Int | Filter by the thread id | |
userId | Int | Filter by the user id of the thread's creator | |
replyUserId | Int | Filter by the user id of the last user to comment on the thread | |
subscribed | Boolean | Filter by if the currently authenticated user's subscribed threads | |
categoryId | Int | Filter by thread category id | |
mediaCategoryId | Int | Filter by thread media id category | |
search | String | Filter by search query | |
id_in | [Int] | Filter by the thread id | |
sort | [ThreadSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
threadComments | [ThreadComment] | ||
id | Int | Filter by the comment id | |
threadId | Int | Filter by the thread id | |
userId | Int | Filter by the user id of the comment's creator | |
sort | [ThreadCommentSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
reviews | [Review] | ||
id | Int | Filter by Review id | |
mediaId | Int | Filter by media id | |
userId | Int | Filter by user id | |
mediaType | MediaType | Filter by media type | |
sort | [ReviewSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
recommendations | [Recommendation] | ||
id | Int | Filter by recommendation id | |
mediaId | Int | Filter by media id | |
mediaRecommendationId | Int | Filter by media recommendation id | |
userId | Int | Filter by user who created the recommendation | |
rating | Int | Filter by total rating of the recommendation | |
onList | Boolean | Filter by the media on the authenticated user's lists | |
rating_greater | Int | Filter by total rating of the recommendation | |
rating_lesser | Int | Filter by total rating of the recommendation | |
sort | [RecommendationSort] | The order the results will be returned in | |
likes | [User] | ||
likeableId | Int | The id of the likeable type | |
type | LikeableType | The type of model the id applies to |