List of anime or manga
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | Int! | The id of the list entry | |
userId | Int! | The id of the user owner of the list entry | |
mediaId | Int! | The id of the media | |
status | MediaListStatus | The watching/reading status | |
score | Float | The score of the entry | |
format | ScoreFormat | Force the score to be returned in the provided format type. | |
progress | Int | The amount of episodes/chapters consumed by the user | |
progressVolumes | Int | The amount of volumes read by the user | |
repeat | Int | The amount of times the user has rewatched/read the media | |
priority | Int | Priority of planning | |
private | Boolean | If the entry should only be visible to authenticated user | |
notes | String | Text notes | |
hiddenFromStatusLists | Boolean | If the entry shown be hidden from non-custom lists | |
customLists | Json | Map of booleans for which custom lists the entry are in | |
asArray | Boolean | Change return structure to an array of objects | |
advancedScores | Json | Map of advanced scores with name keys | |
startedAt | FuzzyDate | When the entry was started by the user | |
completedAt | FuzzyDate | When the entry was completed by the user | |
updatedAt | Int | When the entry data was last updated | |
createdAt | Int | When the entry data was created | |
media | Media | ||
user | User |