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User message activity

idInt! The id of the activity
recipientIdInt The user id of the activity's recipient
messengerIdInt The user id of the activity's sender
typeActivityType The type of the activity
replyCountInt! The number of activity replies
messageString The message text (Markdown)
asHtmlBoolean Return the string in pre-parsed html instead of markdown
isLockedBoolean If the activity is locked and can receive replies
isSubscribedBoolean If the currently authenticated user is subscribed to the activity
likeCountInt! The amount of likes the activity has
isLikedBoolean If the currently authenticated user liked the activity
isPrivateBoolean If the message is private and only viewable to the sender and recipients
siteUrlString The url for the activity page on the AniList website
createdAtInt! The time the activity was created at
recipientUser The user who the activity message was sent to
messengerUser The user who sent the activity message
replies[ActivityReply] The written replies to the activity
likes[User] The users who liked the activity