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Root Mutation

aboutString User's about/bio text
titleLanguageUserTitleLanguage User's title language
displayAdultContentBoolean If the user should see media marked as adult-only
airingNotificationsBoolean If the user should get notifications when a show they are watching aires
scoreFormatScoreFormat The user's list scoring system
rowOrderString The user's default list order
profileColorString Profile highlight color
donatorBadgeString Profile highlight color
notificationOptions[NotificationOptionInput] Notification options
timezoneString Timezone offset format: -?HH:MM
activityMergeTimeInt Minutes between activity for them to be merged together. 0 is Never, Above 2 weeks (20160 mins) is Always.
animeListOptionsMediaListOptionsInput The user's anime list options
mangaListOptionsMediaListOptionsInput The user's anime list options
staffNameLanguageUserStaffNameLanguage The language the user wants to see staff and character names in
restrictMessagesToFollowingBoolean Only allow messages from other users the user follows
SaveMediaListEntryMediaList Create or update a media list entry
idInt The list entry id, required for updating
mediaIdInt The id of the media the entry is of
statusMediaListStatus The watching/reading status
scoreFloat The score of the media in the user's chosen scoring method
scoreRawInt The score of the media in 100 point
progressInt The amount of episodes/chapters consumed by the user
progressVolumesInt The amount of volumes read by the user
repeatInt The amount of times the user has rewatched/read the media
priorityInt Priority of planning
privateBoolean If the entry should only be visible to authenticated user
notesString Text notes
hiddenFromStatusListsBoolean If the entry shown be hidden from non-custom lists
customLists[String] Array of custom list names which should be enabled for this entry
advancedScores[Float] Array of advanced scores
startedAtFuzzyDateInput When the entry was started by the user
completedAtFuzzyDateInput When the entry was completed by the user
UpdateMediaListEntries[MediaList] Update multiple media list entries to the same values
statusMediaListStatus The watching/reading status
scoreFloat The score of the media in the user's chosen scoring method
scoreRawInt The score of the media in 100 point
progressInt The amount of episodes/chapters consumed by the user
progressVolumesInt The amount of volumes read by the user
repeatInt The amount of times the user has rewatched/read the media
priorityInt Priority of planning
privateBoolean If the entry should only be visible to authenticated user
notesString Text notes
hiddenFromStatusListsBoolean If the entry shown be hidden from non-custom lists
advancedScores[Float] Array of advanced scores
startedAtFuzzyDateInput When the entry was started by the user
completedAtFuzzyDateInput When the entry was completed by the user
ids[Int] The list entries ids to update
DeleteMediaListEntryDeleted Delete a media list entry
idInt The id of the media list entry to delete
DeleteCustomListDeleted Delete a custom list and remove the list entries from it
customListString The name of the custom list to delete
typeMediaType The media list type of the custom list
SaveTextActivityTextActivity Create or update text activity for the currently authenticated user
idInt The activity's id, required for updating
textString The activity text
lockedBoolean If the activity should be locked. (Mod Only)
SaveMessageActivityMessageActivity Create or update message activity for the currently authenticated user
idInt The activity id, required for updating
messageString The activity message text
recipientIdInt The id of the user the message is being sent to
privateBoolean If the activity should be private
lockedBoolean If the activity should be locked. (Mod Only)
asModBoolean If the message should be sent from the Moderator account (Mod Only)
SaveListActivityListActivity Update list activity (Mod Only)
idInt The activity's id, required for updating
lockedBoolean If the activity should be locked. (Mod Only)
DeleteActivityDeleted Delete an activity item of the authenticated users
idInt The id of the activity to delete
ToggleActivityPinActivityUnion Toggle activity to be pinned to the top of the user's activity feed
idInt Toggle activity id to be pinned
pinnedBoolean If the activity should be pinned or unpinned
ToggleActivitySubscriptionActivityUnion Toggle the subscription of an activity item
activityIdInt The id of the activity to un/subscribe
subscribeBoolean Whether to subscribe or unsubscribe from the activity
SaveActivityReplyActivityReply Create or update an activity reply
idInt The activity reply id, required for updating
activityIdInt The id of the parent activity being replied to
textString The reply text
asModBoolean If the reply should be sent from the Moderator account (Mod Only)
DeleteActivityReplyDeleted Delete an activity reply of the authenticated users
idInt The id of the reply to delete
ToggleLike[User] Add or remove a like from a likeable type. Returns all the users who liked the same model
idInt The id of the likeable type
typeLikeableType The type of model to be un/liked
ToggleLikeV2LikeableUnion Add or remove a like from a likeable type.
idInt The id of the likeable type
typeLikeableType The type of model to be un/liked
ToggleFollowUser Toggle the un/following of a user
userIdInt The id of the user to un/follow
ToggleFavouriteFavourites Favourite or unfavourite an anime, manga, character, staff member, or studio
animeIdInt The id of the anime to un/favourite
mangaIdInt The id of the manga to un/favourite
characterIdInt The id of the character to un/favourite
staffIdInt The id of the staff to un/favourite
studioIdInt The id of the studio to un/favourite
UpdateFavouriteOrderFavourites Update the order favourites are displayed in
animeIds[Int] The id of the anime to un/favourite
mangaIds[Int] The id of the manga to un/favourite
characterIds[Int] The id of the character to un/favourite
staffIds[Int] The id of the staff to un/favourite
studioIds[Int] The id of the studio to un/favourite
animeOrder[Int] List of integers which the anime should be ordered by (Asc)
mangaOrder[Int] List of integers which the manga should be ordered by (Asc)
characterOrder[Int] List of integers which the character should be ordered by (Asc)
staffOrder[Int] List of integers which the staff should be ordered by (Asc)
studioOrder[Int] List of integers which the studio should be ordered by (Asc)
SaveReviewReview Create or update a review
idInt The review id, required for updating
mediaIdInt The id of the media the review is of
bodyString The main review text. Min:2200 characters
summaryString A short summary/preview of the review. Min:20, Max:120 characters
scoreInt A short summary/preview of the review. Min:20, Max:120 characters
privateBoolean If the review should only be visible to its creator
DeleteReviewDeleted Delete a review
idInt The id of the review to delete
RateReviewReview Rate a review
reviewIdInt The id of the review to rate
ratingReviewRating The rating to apply to the review
SaveRecommendationRecommendation Recommendation a media
mediaIdInt The id of the base media
mediaRecommendationIdInt The id of the media to recommend
ratingRecommendationRating The rating to give the recommendation
SaveThreadThread Create or update a forum thread
idInt The thread id, required for updating
titleString The title of the thread
bodyString The main text body of the thread
categories[Int] Forum categories the thread should be within
mediaCategories[Int] Media related to the contents of the thread
stickyBoolean If the thread should be stickied. (Mod Only)
lockedBoolean If the thread should be locked. (Mod Only)
DeleteThreadDeleted Delete a thread
idInt The id of the thread to delete
ToggleThreadSubscriptionThread Toggle the subscription of a forum thread
threadIdInt The id of the forum thread to un/subscribe
subscribeBoolean Whether to subscribe or unsubscribe from the forum thread
SaveThreadCommentThreadComment Create or update a thread comment
idInt The comment id, required for updating
threadIdInt The id of thread the comment belongs to
parentCommentIdInt The id of thread comment to reply to
commentString The comment markdown text
lockedBoolean If the comment tree should be locked. (Mod Only)
DeleteThreadCommentDeleted Delete a thread comment
idInt The id of the thread comment to delete