Root Mutation
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
UpdateUser | User | ||
about | String | User's about/bio text | |
titleLanguage | UserTitleLanguage | User's title language | |
displayAdultContent | Boolean | If the user should see media marked as adult-only | |
airingNotifications | Boolean | If the user should get notifications when a show they are watching aires | |
scoreFormat | ScoreFormat | The user's list scoring system | |
rowOrder | String | The user's default list order | |
profileColor | String | Profile highlight color | |
donatorBadge | String | Profile highlight color | |
notificationOptions | [NotificationOptionInput] | Notification options | |
timezone | String | Timezone offset format: -?HH:MM | |
activityMergeTime | Int | Minutes between activity for them to be merged together. 0 is Never, Above 2 weeks (20160 mins) is Always. | |
animeListOptions | MediaListOptionsInput | The user's anime list options | |
mangaListOptions | MediaListOptionsInput | The user's anime list options | |
staffNameLanguage | UserStaffNameLanguage | The language the user wants to see staff and character names in | |
restrictMessagesToFollowing | Boolean | Only allow messages from other users the user follows | |
disabledListActivity | [ListActivityOptionInput] | ||
SaveMediaListEntry | MediaList | Create or update a media list entry | |
id | Int | The list entry id, required for updating | |
mediaId | Int | The id of the media the entry is of | |
status | MediaListStatus | The watching/reading status | |
score | Float | The score of the media in the user's chosen scoring method | |
scoreRaw | Int | The score of the media in 100 point | |
progress | Int | The amount of episodes/chapters consumed by the user | |
progressVolumes | Int | The amount of volumes read by the user | |
repeat | Int | The amount of times the user has rewatched/read the media | |
priority | Int | Priority of planning | |
private | Boolean | If the entry should only be visible to authenticated user | |
notes | String | Text notes | |
hiddenFromStatusLists | Boolean | If the entry shown be hidden from non-custom lists | |
customLists | [String] | Array of custom list names which should be enabled for this entry | |
advancedScores | [Float] | Array of advanced scores | |
startedAt | FuzzyDateInput | When the entry was started by the user | |
completedAt | FuzzyDateInput | When the entry was completed by the user | |
UpdateMediaListEntries | [MediaList] | Update multiple media list entries to the same values | |
status | MediaListStatus | The watching/reading status | |
score | Float | The score of the media in the user's chosen scoring method | |
scoreRaw | Int | The score of the media in 100 point | |
progress | Int | The amount of episodes/chapters consumed by the user | |
progressVolumes | Int | The amount of volumes read by the user | |
repeat | Int | The amount of times the user has rewatched/read the media | |
priority | Int | Priority of planning | |
private | Boolean | If the entry should only be visible to authenticated user | |
notes | String | Text notes | |
hiddenFromStatusLists | Boolean | If the entry shown be hidden from non-custom lists | |
advancedScores | [Float] | Array of advanced scores | |
startedAt | FuzzyDateInput | When the entry was started by the user | |
completedAt | FuzzyDateInput | When the entry was completed by the user | |
ids | [Int] | The list entries ids to update | |
DeleteMediaListEntry | Deleted | Delete a media list entry | |
id | Int | The id of the media list entry to delete | |
DeleteCustomList | Deleted | Delete a custom list and remove the list entries from it | |
customList | String | The name of the custom list to delete | |
type | MediaType | The media list type of the custom list | |
SaveTextActivity | TextActivity | Create or update text activity for the currently authenticated user | |
id | Int | The activity's id, required for updating | |
text | String | The activity text | |
locked | Boolean | If the activity should be locked. (Mod Only) | |
SaveMessageActivity | MessageActivity | Create or update message activity for the currently authenticated user | |
id | Int | The activity id, required for updating | |
message | String | The activity message text | |
recipientId | Int | The id of the user the message is being sent to | |
private | Boolean | If the activity should be private | |
locked | Boolean | If the activity should be locked. (Mod Only) | |
asMod | Boolean | If the message should be sent from the Moderator account (Mod Only) | |
SaveListActivity | ListActivity | Update list activity (Mod Only) | |
id | Int | The activity's id, required for updating | |
locked | Boolean | If the activity should be locked. (Mod Only) | |
DeleteActivity | Deleted | Delete an activity item of the authenticated users | |
id | Int | The id of the activity to delete | |
ToggleActivityPin | ActivityUnion | Toggle activity to be pinned to the top of the user's activity feed | |
id | Int | Toggle activity id to be pinned | |
pinned | Boolean | If the activity should be pinned or unpinned | |
ToggleActivitySubscription | ActivityUnion | Toggle the subscription of an activity item | |
activityId | Int | The id of the activity to un/subscribe | |
subscribe | Boolean | Whether to subscribe or unsubscribe from the activity | |
SaveActivityReply | ActivityReply | Create or update an activity reply | |
id | Int | The activity reply id, required for updating | |
activityId | Int | The id of the parent activity being replied to | |
text | String | The reply text | |
asMod | Boolean | If the reply should be sent from the Moderator account (Mod Only) | |
DeleteActivityReply | Deleted | Delete an activity reply of the authenticated users | |
id | Int | The id of the reply to delete | |
ToggleLike | [User] | Add or remove a like from a likeable type. Returns all the users who liked the same model | |
id | Int | The id of the likeable type | |
type | LikeableType | The type of model to be un/liked | |
ToggleLikeV2 | LikeableUnion | Add or remove a like from a likeable type. | |
id | Int | The id of the likeable type | |
type | LikeableType | The type of model to be un/liked | |
ToggleFollow | User | Toggle the un/following of a user | |
userId | Int | The id of the user to un/follow | |
ToggleFavourite | Favourites | Favourite or unfavourite an anime, manga, character, staff member, or studio | |
animeId | Int | The id of the anime to un/favourite | |
mangaId | Int | The id of the manga to un/favourite | |
characterId | Int | The id of the character to un/favourite | |
staffId | Int | The id of the staff to un/favourite | |
studioId | Int | The id of the studio to un/favourite | |
UpdateFavouriteOrder | Favourites | Update the order favourites are displayed in | |
animeIds | [Int] | The id of the anime to un/favourite | |
mangaIds | [Int] | The id of the manga to un/favourite | |
characterIds | [Int] | The id of the character to un/favourite | |
staffIds | [Int] | The id of the staff to un/favourite | |
studioIds | [Int] | The id of the studio to un/favourite | |
animeOrder | [Int] | List of integers which the anime should be ordered by (Asc) | |
mangaOrder | [Int] | List of integers which the manga should be ordered by (Asc) | |
characterOrder | [Int] | List of integers which the character should be ordered by (Asc) | |
staffOrder | [Int] | List of integers which the staff should be ordered by (Asc) | |
studioOrder | [Int] | List of integers which the studio should be ordered by (Asc) | |
SaveReview | Review | Create or update a review | |
id | Int | The review id, required for updating | |
mediaId | Int | The id of the media the review is of | |
body | String | The main review text. Min:2200 characters | |
summary | String | A short summary/preview of the review. Min:20, Max:120 characters | |
score | Int | A short summary/preview of the review. Min:20, Max:120 characters | |
private | Boolean | If the review should only be visible to its creator | |
DeleteReview | Deleted | Delete a review | |
id | Int | The id of the review to delete | |
RateReview | Review | Rate a review | |
reviewId | Int | The id of the review to rate | |
rating | ReviewRating | The rating to apply to the review | |
SaveRecommendation | Recommendation | Recommendation a media | |
mediaId | Int | The id of the base media | |
mediaRecommendationId | Int | The id of the media to recommend | |
rating | RecommendationRating | The rating to give the recommendation | |
SaveThread | Thread | Create or update a forum thread | |
id | Int | The thread id, required for updating | |
title | String | The title of the thread | |
body | String | The main text body of the thread | |
categories | [Int] | Forum categories the thread should be within | |
mediaCategories | [Int] | Media related to the contents of the thread | |
sticky | Boolean | If the thread should be stickied. (Mod Only) | |
locked | Boolean | If the thread should be locked. (Mod Only) | |
DeleteThread | Deleted | Delete a thread | |
id | Int | The id of the thread to delete | |
ToggleThreadSubscription | Thread | Toggle the subscription of a forum thread | |
threadId | Int | The id of the forum thread to un/subscribe | |
subscribe | Boolean | Whether to subscribe or unsubscribe from the forum thread | |
SaveThreadComment | ThreadComment | Create or update a thread comment | |
id | Int | The comment id, required for updating | |
threadId | Int | The id of thread the comment belongs to | |
parentCommentId | Int | The id of thread comment to reply to | |
comment | String | The comment markdown text | |
locked | Boolean | If the comment tree should be locked. (Mod Only) | |
DeleteThreadComment | Deleted | Delete a thread comment | |
id | Int | The id of the thread comment to delete | |
UpdateAniChartSettings | Json | ||
titleLanguage | String | ||
outgoingLinkProvider | String | ||
theme | String | ||
sort | String | ||
UpdateAniChartHighlights | Json | ||
highlights | [AniChartHighlightInput] |