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Anime or Manga

idInt! The id of the media
idMalInt The mal id of the media
titleMediaTitle The official titles of the media in various languages
typeMediaType The type of the media; anime or manga
formatMediaFormat The format the media was released in
statusMediaStatus The current releasing status of the media
versionInt Provide 2 to use new version 2 of sources enum
descriptionString Short description of the media's story and characters
asHtmlBoolean Return the string in pre-parsed html instead of markdown
startDateFuzzyDate The first official release date of the media
endDateFuzzyDate The last official release date of the media
seasonMediaSeason The season the media was initially released in
seasonYearInt The season year the media was initially released in
seasonIntInt The year & season the media was initially released in
episodesInt The amount of episodes the anime has when complete
durationInt The general length of each anime episode in minutes
chaptersInt The amount of chapters the manga has when complete
volumesInt The amount of volumes the manga has when complete
countryOfOriginCountryCode Where the media was created. (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
isLicensedBoolean If the media is officially licensed or a self-published doujin release
sourceMediaSource Source type the media was adapted from.
versionInt Provide 2 or 3 to use new version 2 or 3 of sources enum
hashtagString Official Twitter hashtags for the media
trailerMediaTrailer Media trailer or advertisement
updatedAtInt When the media's data was last updated
coverImageMediaCoverImage The cover images of the media
bannerImageString The banner image of the media
genres[String] The genres of the media
synonyms[String] Alternative titles of the media
averageScoreInt A weighted average score of all the user's scores of the media
meanScoreInt Mean score of all the user's scores of the media
popularityInt The number of users with the media on their list
isLockedBoolean Locked media may not be added to lists our favorited. This may be due to the entry pending for deletion or other reasons.
trendingInt The amount of related activity in the past hour
favouritesInt The amount of user's who have favourited the media
tags[MediaTag] List of tags that describes elements and themes of the media
relationsMediaConnection Other media in the same or connecting franchise
charactersCharacterConnection The characters in the media
pageInt The page
perPageInt The amount of entries per page, max 25
staffStaffConnection The staff who produced the media
pageInt The page
perPageInt The amount of entries per page, max 25
studiosStudioConnection The companies who produced the media
isFavouriteBoolean! If the media is marked as favourite by the current authenticated user
isFavouriteBlockedBoolean! If the media is blocked from being added to favourites
isAdultBoolean If the media is intended only for 18+ adult audiences
nextAiringEpisodeAiringSchedule The media's next episode airing schedule
airingScheduleAiringScheduleConnection The media's entire airing schedule
notYetAiredBoolean Filter to episodes that have not yet aired
pageInt The page
perPageInt The amount of entries per page, max 25
trendsMediaTrendConnection The media's daily trend stats
releasingBoolean Filter to stats recorded while the media was releasing
pageInt The page
perPageInt The amount of entries per page, max 25
externalLinks[MediaExternalLink] External links to another site related to the media
streamingEpisodes[MediaStreamingEpisode] Data and links to legal streaming episodes on external sites
rankings[MediaRank] The ranking of the media in a particular time span and format compared to other media
mediaListEntryMediaList The authenticated user's media list entry for the media
reviewsReviewConnection User reviews of the media
pageInt The page
perPageInt The amount of entries per page, max 25
recommendationsRecommendationConnection User recommendations for similar media
pageInt The page
perPageInt The amount of entries per page, max 25
siteUrlString The url for the media page on the AniList website
autoCreateForumThreadBoolean If the media should have forum thread automatically created for it on airing episode release
isRecommendationBlockedBoolean If the media is blocked from being recommended to/from
isReviewBlockedBoolean If the media is blocked from being reviewed
modNotesString Notes for site moderators