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Notification type enum

ACTIVITY_MESSAGE A user has sent you message
ACTIVITY_REPLY A user has replied to your activity
FOLLOWING A user has followed you
ACTIVITY_MENTION A user has mentioned you in their activity
THREAD_COMMENT_MENTION A user has mentioned you in a forum comment
THREAD_SUBSCRIBED A user has commented in one of your subscribed forum threads
THREAD_COMMENT_REPLY A user has replied to your forum comment
AIRING An anime you are currently watching has aired
ACTIVITY_LIKE A user has liked your activity
ACTIVITY_REPLY_LIKE A user has liked your activity reply
THREAD_LIKE A user has liked your forum thread
THREAD_COMMENT_LIKE A user has liked your forum comment
ACTIVITY_REPLY_SUBSCRIBED A user has replied to activity you have also replied to
RELATED_MEDIA_ADDITION A new anime or manga has been added to the site where its related media is on the user's list
MEDIA_DATA_CHANGE An anime or manga has had a data change that affects how a user may track it in their lists
MEDIA_MERGE Anime or manga entries on the user's list have been merged into a single entry
MEDIA_DELETION An anime or manga on the user's list has been deleted from the site